BPNC’s school-based counselors, therapists, and case managers provide individual, group, and family counseling sessions for students with identifiable mental health issues. BPNC staff also work with the schools and families to coordinate therapeutic interventions and help families deal with issues related to probation or incarceration, hospitalization, disability, or family separation.The serious lack of mental health resources for students and families in Brighton Park continues to serve as one of the most pressing concerns of our neighborhood schools. Many students suffer from trauma as a result of violence in the community and homes, resulting in behavior issues and an inability to succeed in school. Schools are currently ill-equipped to meet the special needs of students who face mental illness issues.
BPNC is currently providing all of our FSCS partnerships with full-time mental health service providers through a variety of public and private funding sources, including the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority (IVPA)’s Safety Net Works grant. This program represents a significant victory in our ability to fully meet the needs of community youth and families. By integrating School-Based Mental Health services with our FSCSI, we are developing strategies to further transform participants into community leaders who effectively advocate for themselves and their community.
Partnered Schools with full-time mental health service providers:
Brighton Park Neighborhood Council does not disclose any identifying student data to third parties. Brighton Park Neighborhood Council only discloses de-identified aggregate data to funders for reporting purposes.
List of Third Parties that Receive Student Data:
**Brighton Park Neighborhood Council does not disclose any identifying student data to third parties. Brighton Park Neighborhood Council only discloses de-identified aggregate data to funders for reporting purposes.**